TIR-FOR International Comission
Union Académique Internationale— INTERNATIONAL PROJECT —
Under the auspices of the UAI, we are creating a huge online open database of the Ancient Roman World. Archaeological sites, toponymy and cartographical data.

We are creating a new digital instrument cataloguing and mapping all the information on sites and landforms in the Roman Empire. It will serve both as a research tool and as a test bed for new dissemination concepts.This is the pilot project driven by data from particular regions.
Our project is based in all the information stored from our near 100 years of research and in the use of the newest technical and archaeological information
The TIR-FOR project: a retrospective perspective. TIR-FOR is a project promoted by the International Union of Academies (UAI) that results from a methodological and conceptual unification of two projects, entitled Tabula Imperii Romani (TIR) and…
The aim of this project is to produce a detailed digitised map of the Roman Empire as part of the Tabula Imperii Romani (TIR) and Forma Orbis Romani (FOR) project, driven with a new unified methodology, a centralised database shared by all…
The TIR-FOR Project has an extensive list of publications of its scientific production and of its impact on the society.
TIR-FOR International Commission Teams